The age of China

Chinese workers will become scarcer

SINCE the 1970s China’s birth rate has plummeted while the number of elderly people has risen only gradually. As a result its “dependency ratio”—the proportion of dependents to people at work—is low. This has helped to fuel China’s prodigious growth. But this “demographic dividend” will peak in 2010. China’s one-child policy will keep birth rates low, but as life expectancy continues to increase, so will the dependency ratio, reducing the country’s potential for growth. The government could yet salvage the situation by loosening its one-child policy. More children would increase the dependency ratio until they were old enough to join the workforce, but reduce labour shortages in the long term.

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The top 10 things to see in China

If you’ve never visited China, and you're lucky enough to go, it’s well worth the visit. It really is one of the most fascinating and breathtakingly beautiful nations on Earth. National Geographic Books has compiled a list of the top ten places to visit in China, from the Forbidden City to Lijang.

Top Ten China

1. Forbidden City
2. Tiananmen Square
3. Temple of Heaven
4. The Great Wall
5. Xi'an
6. Army of the Terra Cotta Warriors
7. Shanghai
8. Hong Kong Island
9. Stone Forest
10. Lijiang


Five Things the U.S. Can Learn from China

China's schools are adding more creative and practical topics to their notoriously rigid curriculum.

In brief:
1. Be Ambitious
There's no direct translation into Chinese of the phrase can-do spirit. But yong wang zhi qian probably suffices.
2. Education Matters
3. Look After the Elderly
4. Save More
5. Look Over the Horizon

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Five Things the U.S. Can Learn from China